Camping sustainably
is our second nature

About Solbio

Solbio is a Belgian company from the north of Antwerp. If you ever find yourself there, you'll be spoiled by the best fries in the country, but also by endless miles of untouched forest, heathland, grassland and lakes.

We are true naturists. Hold on. We truly live for nature. That's better. It's the one place where everything quiets down and you rediscover your own pace, time and time again. When you go camping all of the to-do lists disappear and the only question you really need to think about is: what's the earliest acceptable time to start my aperitivo?

What doesn't suit that picturesque image is a chemical toilet. Why would you mix something that is fully biodegradable with toxic chemicals? For hygiene and potential smells of course, but why does it have to kick nature in the nuts? These questions drove us to create the first 100% natural toilet fluid in the world. Meet Solbio.

Our vision


Solbio breaks down waste and neutralises smells, just as powerfully as a chemical fluid. Feel free to ask our customers on Amazon. Based on 2,300 reviews they gave us a 4.5 rating. Out of 5.


Solbio does not contain any synthetic or animal components. The essential oils make the fruity Marine smell like citrus and the fresh Original smell like eucalyptus, pine and mint. No chemical shit.


We are incredibly proud of our Ecogarantie label. These ecolabelled products are 100% organic and free from GMOs and petrochemicals. This is the strictest independent label on the European market.


Empty your tank wherever suits you best: in a discharge point, in a toilet or even in your compost heap.

Why Solbio?

It exists

Are you using a chemical toilet fluid because you thought there was no decent alternative?


Ecological products are often more expensive. We think that completely beats the purpose. You should be rewarded for making a better choice.


. The packaging is completely recyclable in Belgium. Just toss the pouch in your recycling bin. Check the recycling rules in your country.

Fresh or salty

Solbio Marine works in both fresh and salt water. Ideal for a boat.

Where can I use it?

Black water tank (cassette)

Break down waste and toilet paper, prevent gas formation and keep your smallest room smelling fresh or fruity.

Grey water tank

Keep your pipes free from grease and other deposits.

Flush water tank

Prevent algae formation and keep your fresh water fresh.


If it looks clean, it probably is clean.

What's inside?

Solbio consists of four simple ingredients.

Plant extract

Citric acid

Natural soap

Essential oil

What is it?

No doubt you do it several times a day. Chances are you did it just now after your first morning coffee... Or even during? Dreaming away about your next holiday, of course. Getting out into nature remains the best way to disconnect and recharge. You wake up to the whistle of good-natured birds, then dive into that slightly too cold lake and sink your teeth into that slightly too warm baguette. Ultimate freedom.

Unfortunately that same baguette needs to end up somewhere. Most likely in your chemical toilet. Alright yes, that blue (or green) stuff is important for the overall hygiene and works fine against smells, but it's also full of chemicals that hurt the planet you came to enjoy. It doesn't make sense. Let's switch it up.

Solbio is the world's premier 100% biodegradable toilet fluid. Powerful, fresh, affordable and completely organic. Ready to take the green road?

Our certificates

Als strengste label op de markt, internationaal bedrijf en non-profit organisatie hechten we enorm veel belang aan het beschermen van de planeet.

Producten met een Ecogarantielabel voldoen aan strenge voorwaarden en zijn van 100% biologische oorsprong. Deze voorwaarden worden jaarlijks gecontroleerd door onafhankelijke controleorganen die de neutraliteit van de certificering garandering.

V-Label, een internationaal erkend keurmerk voor producten die vegetarisch of veganistisch zijn en een grondige controle hebben doorstaan, is hét hulpmiddel om jouw leven plantaardiger te maken en weloverwogen aankopen te doen.

We helpen consumenten gerust te stellen over hoe voedsel op de boerderij wordt geproduceerd door de schadelijke milieueffecten van landbouwactiviteiten te minimaliseren, het gebruik van chemische middelen te verminderen en te zorgen voor een verantwoorde aanpak van de gezondheid en veiligheid van werknemers en dierenwelzijn.

Meet our people




Sales Germany




Sales Spain


Sales Benelux


Research & Development


Nature is pure, overwhelming and vulnerable.
How can we explore our planet and protect it at the same time?
Follow our blog Nature Calls. If you have to go, you have to go.

What’s the best mobile toilet for a motorhome?


Geconcentreerd dus beter van prijs


100% natural



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