5 Christmas markets you absolutely must see
Het winterweer is weer in ons land en het wordt steeds moeilijker terug denken aan die heerlijke zomerse kampeertrips. De winter is voor vele kampeerders onder ons een tijd om de batterijen op te laden, de voorraad aan kampeer gerief weer aan te vullen, of misschien zelfs uitbreiden en de volgende trips al te beginnen plannen. Recht in het midden van deze periode is er, jawel, Kerstmis. Dit wil zeggen: Kerstmarkten. Elke liefhebber van reizen en het in contact komen met andere culturen en gewoontes, geniet van dit soort volksfeesten. Zo zijn ze overal heel gelijkend, en toch ook erg verschillend.
Wil je toch even terug dat reisgevoel weer opsnuiven, waarom dan geen kerstmarkt meepikken op verplaatsing? Deze markten zijn steeds een boeiend spektakel en het is erg leuk om de verschillende tradities, kerstgewoonten en eetcultuur te ontdekken. Daarom lijsten we hieronder vijf kerstmarkten op die u volgens ons gezien moet hebben. Belangrijk: In deze lijst bespreken we kerstmarkten die de moeite zijn om te bezoeken, over verschillende landen. Het is geen lijst van grootse of populairste kerstmarkten.
1. Winter Wonderland in Oslo
When we think of Christmas markets, we immediately think of countries like Germany, Belgium and France. Scandinavia is not so well-known for its Christmas markets. However, they are no less popular. For example, you have ‘Winter Wonderland’ in Oslo. Right in the middle of the main street, a beautifully lit Christmas village is built around the large ice rink ‘Spikersuppa’. The latter is free to enter. Oslo and, by extension, Norway are seen as the ultimate Christmas experience, because you don’t have to choose between the atmosphere of the city and the beauty of nature. In Oslo, for example, you can enjoy the Christmas market and go skiing or hiking in the beautiful snow landscape that same day. In addition, it gets dark around noon, which only adds to the atmosphere and the lit streets.
2. The Striezelmarkt in Dresden
The Christmas event in and around Dresden is still highly recommended. It is one of the cosiest Christmas villages in the world and attracts around three million tourists from all over the world with its 240 stalls. In addition, it could not be left out of this list, as the first official Christmas market in the world. The Striezelmarkt was founded in 1434 and is therefore celebrating its 585th anniversary this year. This makes it the first documented Christmas market in the world.
3. The Bruges Christmas Market
Belgium also has its share in the list of traditional Christmas markets. The most famous of these is the one in Bruges. This Christmas phenomenon is known far beyond the country's borders. The main reason is the atmosphere and decoration, which the city already has of itself. Bruges has a very historical city centre, full of buildings, squares and waterways with an appearance of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. This historical aspect, together with the atmospheric lighting and Christmas atmosphere, make the Christmas market attract visitors from all over the world. Another fun fact, the picturesque houses look extra good during this season due to the lighting of their facades and roofs. Because of this, they are often called 'the gingerbread house of Bruges' during the Christmas period.
4. The Christmas Market Frankfurt am Main
With its size, this Christmas market is an important market in the entire German Christmas event. Germany is actually known as the Christmas market country par excellence and the offer in almost every city is therefore large and impressive. Frankfurt is a very well-known Christmas market because it is still relatively close to the Netherlands, Belgium and France. These are three countries where Christmas markets are very popular. Furthermore, Frankfurt is highly recommended, because there is so much to discover. During a walk through the old city center you will fall from one surprise to the next.
5. The Strasbourg Christmas Market
With its first edition in 1570, it is the oldest Christmas market in France. This Christmas market is therefore a very popular place for visitors from all over the world. From sunset, the entire city centre is transformed into a festival of lights. You can hear, see, feel and especially smell Christmas everywhere. The Christmas market of Strasbourg is known for its many stalls with typical winter food and spices. The smell of cinnamon in particular is indispensable during these festivities.